GT unveiled at NAMM beside the Groovy Comp some means to get sound In and Out, in tubes, as you can imagine…
- For the guitarist: the Power Pick, a Pick with a patented lever, to bring more power and harmonics than standard picks. $12.95 (hey, no tubes!)
- The PDI: Passive Direct Input, well it's a passive DI Line/instrument level to balanced low impedance level… $39.99 (hey! no tubes either!)
- The SFX Spacestation, that's the out ;) It's a compact powered stereo monitor with SXF (Stereo Field Expansion) 300-degree stereo sound field technology. Two models are available for guitarists $695 and for keyboards/voice $795. the units are build to stand going out so it'll spark tubes everywhere. (ahhhh!)
- Groove tubes announced also the availability of new "build to match the original standard" 12AX7M and 6CA7GE. (tubes everywhere!)