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Mac and Music News

Through Tuesday December 20, 2005
Feb 11 - 10:49 PM, by spiritcr (translated by Francois Déchery)Audio Hardware > Mackie
Audio Hardware : New OS for Mackie Digital 8 bus - macmusicWith V.5 software, your d8b can now be used as a controller for Pro Tools and any other HUI supported DAW.
Feb 11 - 05:52 PM, by deleted Misc > Wizoo
Misc : Cubase SX/SL Reference Book Now Available from Wizoo - macmusicOne of the best-selling Cubase books ever published in Germany is finally available in an English language version. Officially authorized and co-written by Steinberg, "Cubase SX/SL - Reference" includes the official manual for Cubase SX/SL, an exclusive 50-page tutorial by Cubase-guru Mark Wherry, plus a foreword by Steinberg CEO Manfred Ruerup.
Feb 11 - 05:50 PM, by deleted Virtual Instrument
Virtual Instrument : Lapjockey Announces Flatpack Reason Refill - macmusicLapjockey announced the release of Flatpack, a new ReFill sound source for Reason. Flatpack combines a mix of rare analogue synths and drum machines, with more modern and experimental synth kits. Inspired by Reason, Flatpack is a series of samples, loops, patches and song templates to expand the self-contained synth studio within Propellerhead's popular software.

Besides eliminating the tedious job of sorting and converting audio, Flatpack extends beyond the conventional sample CD by providing a broad range of material for Reason. 24-bit reproductions of classic synths and drum machines appear instantly as multisampled NN19, NN-XT and ReDrum patches.

Load up the "FP 808": the samples are recorded long and bright, allowing ReDrum's length and tone controls to mirror the decay and snap ...
Feb 10 - 10:56 AM, by naro (translated by ptilou)Misc > Apple
Misc : A personnal touch to your X Midi set. - macmusicOn Mac OS X, add a personnal touch to your Midi set.
You can use the photos (by scanning them or copying on the web site) of your Midi instruments (synth, FX...).

You put the image (tiff format) in this folder : /Library/audio/midi devices/generic/images.

And now, you get the real image of your musical set in AudioMidiSetup.
Feb 8 - 12:04 AM, by june bug (translated by ptilou)Virtual Instrument > Arturia
Virtual Instrument : New Arturia Moog Modular - macmusicThe Arturia Moog Modular will be release on 1st March. This new virtual instrument brings on an emulation of the characteristics of the legendary modular synthesizer (with a new technology developed by Arturia, baptized TAE : True Analog Emulation).
You'll need a powerfull machine (500 Mhz)
The moog modular will be available for Mac OS9 and OS X, and with VST, MAS, RTAS, HTDM formats.
The announced price is 329 €.
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