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Mac and Music News

Through Tuesday November 15, 2005
Oct 25 - 12:06 PM, by clouvel Industry > Moog Music
Industry : Cyril Lance new head of Moog development - macmusicMoog Music informed MacMusic that Cyril Lance is the new head of Moog Music products development. it seems that Cyril Lance was personally selected by Bob Moog before he passed away in August. Cyril Lance works in music and engineering for over 20 years. He also worked in developing optical electronics used for upper-atmospheric experiments, and on US military project HARP (Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which was jointly funded by US Air Force, Navy, and University of Alaska.

Cyril Lance is also a musician, songwriter and producer. He also works on building custom instruments for academic and consumer applications.
Oct 24 - 04:10 PM, by Miss Kiki Computer Hardware > JazzMutant
Computer Hardware : LEMUR V1.2 RELEASE + JAZZMUTANT WEB SITE REVAMP! - macmusicNew JazzMutant web site has just been launched! In addition to its really slick design and global revamping, the main new feature of that web site is certainly its Workshop section. Workshop : You will find in that new section a collection of essential tutorials and examples to get the feel of your new Lemur in a couple of hours while using your favorite software. Already available tutorials: "Surround Panning Strategies" with Cubase SX ; "Exploring Granular Synthesis" with Max/MSP and a Lemur project template destinated to control the most popular loop-based sequencer: Ableton Live 5.
Oct 24 - 01:15 PM, by clouvel Computer Hardware > Behringer
Computer Hardware : Low-cost Behringer FireWire audio interface - macmusicBehringer has released the FCA202, a new low-cost and compact FireWire audio interface. The FCA202 includes two 1/4 inch connector inputs and outputs, 24-bit A/D and D/A converters offer 96 kHz sampling frequency, and volume-controlled headphones output. This new interface comes bundled with Ableton Live Lite 4 Behringer edition, Kristal and Audacity applications.

The FCA202 will be available in the 4th quarter 2005 for $100.
Oct 24 - 11:20 AM, by michelp Music Software > MakeMusic
Music Software : PrintMusic 2006 available - macmusicPrintMusic, Finale's little brother, is now available in version 2006 and inherited several features from Finale 2006 : Setup Wizard, input via midi keyboard, mike, mouse, keyboard, scan. Includes sounds of the Software Synthesizer & marching percussion by Row-Loff; Human Playback & Band-in-a-Box Auto-Harmonizing.

PrintMusic costs 69,95 $.
Oct 22 - 04:45 PM, by clouvel Virtual Instrument > Wwaym
Virtual Instrument : NWSynth for Mac OS X - macmusicWwaym announces the release of the Mac OS X version of their virtual analogue VSTi synth, nWSynth. This synth features 2 filters, 2 oscillators with various modulation options, unison, portamento, distortion, echo, presets (with 2 additional preset banks), and full MIDI automation with MIDI learn.

nWSynth costs 95 euros and a demo version is available.

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