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Mac and Music News

Sep 28 - 04:45 PM, by clouvel Plug-ins > Digidesign
Plug-ins : Smack expiration problem - macmusicDigidesign have posted an update 1.0.2. for its plugin Smack because Smack and Smack LE version 1.0 for Mac OS X were inadvertently set to expire on October 9th, 2004. Smack is a new professional compressor/limiter plug-in designed specifically for music applications. Smack features three compression modes, unique compression ratios, and harmonic distortion ideally suited for achieving a wide range of sonic variations and colorations. Additionally, the plug-in supports side-chain processing, multi-channel track types, and the full range of ProTools sample rates and plug-in formats.

Version 1.0.2 has no expiration date for the fully licensed version
Sep 28 - 03:15 PM, by clouvel Music Software > Cycling '74
Music Software : Max-MSP 4.5.2 - macmusicCycling '74 announced an update to version 4.5.2 of Max-MSP, its graphical programming environment. This update features : minor changes and many bugs fixed.

Info on Cycling '74 web site.
Sep 28 - 12:45 PM, by clouvel Plug-ins > Sonic Charge
Plug-ins : MicroTonic on OS X - macmusicMicroTonic or "µTonic" by Sonic Charge is a VST plug-in featuring a unique drum and percussion synthesizer combined with a pattern based drum-machine engine. it now comes for Mac OS X (10.2 or later) and needs a Mac 500MHz G3. It costs $69.

Because registration is cross-platform, you do not need to purchase an additional registration for the Mac version if you own the µTonic for Windows
Sep 28 - 11:09 AM, by clouvel Audio Hardware > Edirol
Audio Hardware : Edirol R-1 - macmusicEdirol announced the R-1, a portable 24-bit Wave and mp3 recorder and player. The R-1 features two electret mics, external line and mic inputs, a 24-bit internal effects processor (noise reducer, 10-band EQ, reverb and more). it also features a metronome, a tuner, half-speed playback, and A-B repeat to loop one section of an audio file. The R-1 stores files to Compact Flash (up to 2Gb) and comes with a 64MB card which allows a maximum record time of 130 minutes (mp3, 64 kbps mode). it also features an USB port and a phones/optical output.

The R-1 will cost $550 and will be available in late November.
Sep 27 - 06:15 PM, by clouvel Plug-ins > MusicLab
Plug-ins : RealGuitar demo - macmusicRealGuitar is available as a VSTi version for OS X. In RealGuitar, new features are : added special 'RnC' mode providing the direct access for Rhythm'n'Chords Pro 2.5 MFX plug-in to RealGuitar multi-sample architecture. RealGuitar is now Mac compatible (OSX VSTi only).

A demo version is also available from the MusicLab web site.
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