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Mac and Music News

Apr 26 - 12:26 PM, by lepetitmartien Apple > Apple
Apple : OSX 10.3.4, be careful when it'll be released ! - macmusicDevelopers are beta testing since a week the future 10.3.4 release of OSX. Be aware that despite retouching bugs here and there, Apple is making changes into important parts of the OS and, most of all, important parts for us: Core Audio, OpenGL, Graphics, Core OS, High Level Toolbox. It also corrects things on SCSI drives, iPods, USB flash media (think USB keys) and PCMCIA cards management. And last: updates to Audio FireWire and USB 2.0 connectivity for the iPod. It seems to me to be on the cautious side of thing. The update is supposedly a correcting one, but as it touches a lot of stuff you may use, some for work, try before you switch! For the release date, ask Apple, they are bug chasing now ;)
Apr 25 - 03:39 PM, by melenko (translated by ptilou)Plug-ins > Nomad Factory
Plug-ins : Rock Amp legend : a new plug for guitar heroes - macmusicNomadfactory release a new plug-in : "Rock Amp Legend" made by Jimmy Crespo.
It's an OSX plug-in which emulates british and american amps. Available as HTDM/RTAS/VST formats, it also includes several FX : auto-pan, spacialisator (stéreo), chorus, phaser, delay, compressor, noise gate, EQ, Reverb...

This plug-in costs $299. A 10 days demo is also available from the following link.
Apr 24 - 04:24 AM, by clouvel (translated by ptilou)Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : ProTools LE 6.4 is available - macmusicThe new version of ProTools LE 6.4 (for Mac OSX) is downloadable on the Digidesign Website. This version is dedicated to users of Pro Tools version 6.1 (or later), with Digi 002, Digi 002 Rack, Mbox or Digi 001 with Mac OS X (10.3.2 ).
Mac OS 10.3.3 hasn't been tested and Audiomédia III card isn't yet supported

Digidesign recommands to upgrade all plug-ins when updating to 6.4, before launching a first session with the new ProTools.

New features :
- Track punch function (rec-ready and punch in)
- An improved Input and Record monitor
- Time code compatibility (23.976)
- + 12 Db Gain (previously + 6 Db)
- New plug-in organisation

Pro Tools LE 6.4 is freely downloadable for any registered users (V 6.x). A TDM version will be available later.
Apr 23 - 02:30 PM, by sahara Music Software > Mark Of The Unicorn
Music Software : 1.08 MachFive Update; Essential for Pro Tools 6.4 - macmusicMOTU has released an update to its MachFive sampler with enhanced compatibility. The RTAS/HTDM update is required for ProTools users who upgrade to ProTools version 6.4 under OS X; AU, MAS, and VST versions have also been updated. Updated versions of UviX and the Interlok Extensions (for copy protection) are also included in the installer.

Ed: TIP -- a quick run through the MOTU site reveals other compatibility information. They have a page dedicated to compatibility with Native Instruments products, G5 compatibility, and all the MOTU development partners for the latest compatible stuff. (Sorry, no direct URLs available, but look for 'featured links' on the site.) -PK
Apr 23 - 03:32 AM, by clouvel (translated by Edward)Virtual Instrument > East West
Virtual Instrument : Drums by Stormdrum - macmusicStormdrum is a virtual instrument with almost 6 Go of drum samples, recorded at the LA record Plant, studio A. It uses up to 20 layers of velocity, the kits cover a large palette of styles, from techno percussions to acoustic drums, and are made for use with Native Instruments' Kompakt or Intakt, or self contained program.

Stormdrum is available as VST, RTAS and Audio Units and cost $400
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