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Mac and Music News

Mar 5 - 09:44 AM, by icko Music Software > Arboretum Systems
Music Software : Montage: New OS X native multimedia software from Arboretum Systems - macmusicArboretum Systems announces Montage, "the first media software that lets creators work like they think". Montage features a groundbreaking "trackless" workspace that allows the free manipulation of video, audio, stills, and text in an infinitely expandable window. Montage was built for OS X from the ground up and is 100% Cocoa native.
Mar 4 - 10:06 PM, by skawiwen (translated by Sunny Voice)Virtual Instrument > Arturia
Virtual Instrument : The Moog Modular is out - macmusicArturia just released Moog Modular, a virtual synthetizer available as a VSTi plug-in for OS 9 and OS X. "very impressive, no bugs, sounds big !!"
Mar 4 - 05:36 PM, by Jacques JULIEN Virtual Instrument > Gmedia Music
Virtual Instrument : M-Tron and Oddity AudioUnit Version - macmusicGmedia Music are in the process of developing Apple Audio Unit (AU) versions of the M-Tron and Oddity (currently VSTi) and it's anticipated that theses will reach the final beta-test stage shortly.
Mar 4 - 03:51 PM, by Jacques JULIEN (translated by ptilou)Music Software > Steinberg
Music Software : Bundle Cubase X/TC for Mac OS X - macmusicA new bundle on sale for Mac OS X which combine :
- Cubase SX , the Midi and Audio sequencer from Steinberg and
- 6 plug-in from Native Bundle 3.0 (TC Works)

A complete solution for musicians and producers.
Mar 4 - 07:04 AM, by lepetitmartien Music Hardware > Nord
Music Hardware : Clavia: Red hot and cool - macmusicClavia announced today the availibility in june of the G2, which stands for Nord Modular G2 (the 2nd generation without Piccard ;). It is a dsp driven synth, like the "old" Nord Modulars, with features long awaited by the NM followers:
- Bigger keyboard (3 octaves instead of 2)
- pitch stick like other Nords (yeepeee!)
- backlit LCDs and LED rotary encoders (perfect for gig)
- assignable buttons (8 physical buttons X 10 pages = 80 virtual buttons)
- 8 morph groups per patch for quick and heavy external mods to patches
- or a rack 1U version (no panel editing, but the power within)
- 24 bit 96 KHz AD/DA
- 4 analog audio Ins with one on XLR with an amp.
- 4 analog audio outs.
- On-DSP RAM so longer delays than the NM G1, reverbs?
- Add Granular synthesis and physical modeling to t ...
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