More powerful than any sampler. More sounds than any sound module. SampleTank 2 gives you instant access to an unlimited world of superb sounds.
Complete control over every aspect of your sounds. Exclusive STRETCH (SampleTank Time REsynthesys TeCHnology), pitch-shift/time-stretch synthesis, and traditional resampling synthesis put control of tempo, tune and harmonics at your fingertips.
Lighting fast access to the richest, most realistic sound quality ever produced by software or hardware instruments. Thousands of native sounds already available, plus the ability to import unlimited WAV, AIFF, SDII, AKAI, and SAMPLECELL files.
Top-notch features like 32 built-in award-winning effects, 16 multitimbral layerable parts, full synth-sampler engine control, single-sample editing, loop sync, portamento, keyword search, and loads more…