The new sound design company Digital Media Dreams BVBA (DmD) announces the release of their first sample CD "SoundXperience". SoundXperience is a multi-sample library containing high quality synth sounds patched up for Reason's NN-XT and Native Instruments Kontakt 1.5.2. DmD is a new company which has the goal to produce and release sample collections on CD-ROM and in the form of downloadable "SoundPack's". DmD was founded by the founders and administrators of the Reason orientated website "Reasonfreaks".
Content of SoundXperience: 125 Multi-samples (1243 Wav. files), 344 NN-XT Patches, 252 Kontakt 1.5.2 Patches. The various category's of sounds included in SoundXperience: Arp, Bass, Drums, Keys, Leads, Mono, Organs, Pads & Strings, Sound Scapes
In total there are almost 600 patches ...