A new resource package on editing GarageBand loops was launched today by the GarageDoor. It includes the GarageBand Scales Catalogue, which contains over forty scales in GB format to play and analyse. These scales, ranging from the common major, minor and blues to colorful scales like Hungarian Gypsy, Neapolitan and Balinese, can then be used to modify regular GarageBand loops and expand the user's loop library with exotic variations.
The GarageDoor - Tips & Tricks for GarageBand users contains tips & tricks, home recording ideas and links to new sounds and loops. The GarageDoor aims at desktop musicians from beginner to intermediate level, and has pages on live & Midi Recording, effects, mixing and mastering, music theory and GarageBand desktop equipment.
The Scales Catalogue and exotic loops tutorial can be found on thegaragedoor web site.