Live 4 Public Beta is available now for all registered Users!
For those of you who just can't wait to check out Live 4, you are invited to participate in the public beta test* now available at http://www.ableton.com/index.php?main=live4beta. The Live 4 beta is limited to registered Live users only. A public beta for all users (even non-registered) will be coming soon. We will keep you up-to-date.
New in Live 4 : In Live 4, you will find a complete and inspiring approach to MIDI sequencing, pattern recording, drag-and-drop sampling, virtual instruments and MIDI hardware support. Ableton has also made substantial extensions and enhancements to existing functionality, including such features as swing/groove for audio and MIDI clips, a powerful new channel-routing scheme, simplified recording, sample reverse, and several exciting new creative options for the Session View.
More info on Ableton web site.