At AES, Motu unveiled the Motu Traveller, a new bus powered 24Bit 192kHz Firewire audio interface equipped with 4 Mic-Pre's (all with individual phantom power) and a total of 20 channels of I/O. The Traveler draws power directly from your computer via FireWire, with no AC or DC power required and can record at sample rates up to 192kHz. This new interface will feature: Compact size (14.75 x 9 inches), Powered by computer or battery, 20 channels with 4 mic inputs (individual 48V phantom power), Record up to 192kHz, 8-bus monitor mixer, Stand-alone operation, ADAT optical, AES/ EBU, S/PDIF digital I/O, Midi, Word clock, SMPTE & ADAT sync.
Now if we stand back a little from these specs, we can see that: the compact size which is praised in some comments to sit comfortably under a laptop (w ...