On September 29th 1997, a funny guy created a discussion list on the internet for computer music and digital audio addicts on Mac. Eight years later, MacMusic has become a reference site for computer music fans on Mac with a growing number of visitors and over 57,000 members. MacMusic managed to overcome times of trouble on the net and is definitely present and faithful to what has made it a success : professionalism, curiosity, open-mindedness and freedom of speech. This 8th birthday is the perfect opportunity for me to thank, on your behalf, the whole team of MacMusic who make every effort to provide you with your site daily : Soif, Nolot, June Bug, Lepetitmartien, Babaille, Miss Kiki, Ptilou, Tulavu, the big army of moderators, the battalion of translators, the article authors, as well as all our advertisers, our partners and our software developers.
And above all, this 8th birthday is the opportunity for me to thank all our members and
visitors of MacMusic. Indeed, thanks to your talents, your questions, your doubts, your
skills, your fits of rage, your freedom of speech (that we will always value) and your
fidelity, MacMusic has this very special savour. Very happy birthday and thanks to all of you!