Digidesign announces Pro Tools 7 software (shipping soon). The new software will be available for Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE , and Pro Tools M-Powered systems. Pro Tools 7 software is also a cross-platform release, supporting Mac OS10.4 ("Tiger"). New Pro Tools features new music creation tools such as Instrument Tracks for simple and straightforward integration of virtual instruments, non-destructive real-time MIDI processing, and the ability to work with industry-standard REX and ACID files. It also includes new optimizations for our host processing engine that boosts RTAS plug-in counts by as much as 150% on multi-processor computers.
Anyone who purchased a new Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, or an upgrade to Pro Tools TDM 6.9.x or Pro Tools LE 6.9x software on or after September 1, 2005, is automatically eligible for a free upgrade to the corresponding version of Pro Tools 7 software.