Hartmann, the small German company behind one of the rare breakthrough in synth design these last years, is in great difficulties. Some may already know their software NeuronVS went sold at low price on some German stores. It was in fact a nervous move from the company which builds their hardware during some negotiations. It ended up to screw the distribution, annoy shops, not to talk about customers. In the end, Hartmann is facing financial difficulties as it is in a niche market and money has always been tight for them even with the help of Hans Zimmer who helped them a lot. They are fighting right now to keep up their production and save the day, and continue the development of their technology.
In difficult times for synth manufacturers, it's a shame some erratic moves from another company can endanger innovative breakthrough. I still hope the best for the Hartmann, which works on a solution hard, so they can come thru all this mix up fast. The Neuron synths deserve this.