As usual, Pro Tools LE and Pro Tools M-Powered users just have to wait ! Digidesign announces that Pro Tools 7 HD Software is today available, and that Pro Tools LE and Pro Tools M-Powered "wiil be available soon" (yeah but when ?? ). Please note that the "Upgrade Plus option" is available only until December 20, 2005. If you purchased a new Pro Tools|HD system, Pro Tools LE system, or an upgrade to Pro Tools TDM 6.9.x or Pro Tools LE 6.9.x software on or after September 1, 2005, from an authorized dealer, you're automatically eligible for a free update to the corresponding version of Pro Tools 7 software. Registered Pro Tools M-Powered software users are also eligible for a free update. All registered users who are eligible for a free update will be contacted directly by email with a free update offer.
Here's a price list of Pro Tools 7 updates :