Native Instruments unveiled KORE, its first proprietary USP or Universal Sound Platform, operating both as a stand-alone instrument host and as a plug-in in every major sequencer. Kore integrates all your software instruments and effects into a single, unified interface and gives you total control of your sound and instant, hands-on access with a real analog feel. Kore introduces KoreSound, a universal sound format that shifts the focus from individual instruments toward the sound itself. This new format allows you to manage all the presets for all your software instruments. Thanks to the seamless integration of Kore's software and hardware components, your software instruments and effects become tactile instruments that are highly intuitive and uniform in their operation. NI will also unveil a Kore Controler with integrated USB audio interface.
A full story about new Kore system will be available in five chapters on the Native Instruments web site on March 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd. NI will give full details about Kore during Frankfurt MusikMesse from March 29th to April 1st. Complete version of KORE will be available in spring 2006.