Arturia announces availability of its newly-developed SPARK Vintage Drum Machines (Standalone, VST 2.4 & 3 — 32-bit and 64-bit, RTAS and US — 32- and 64-bit) software instrument, placing 30 legendary drum machines at discerning musicians' rhythmic fingertips!
As intuitive as it is powerful, SPARK Vintage Drum Machines represents so much more than typical sample players currently on the market; by mixing high-quality samples and virtual analogue synthesis based on Arturia's advanced propriety TAE® (True Analog Emulation) technology, this software successfully captures the unique electronic musical soul of the 30 different drum machines it emulates: Roland's CR-78, TR-808, and TR-606; Korg's Mini Pops 7 and KPR-77; Ace Tone's Rhythm Ace FR-2L; Yamaha's MR10; Maestro's Rhythm King MRK2; Boss' DR-55; Casio's VL- Tone and SK-1; Simmons' SDS; Phatwerk; and Micromatix all get the TAE® treatment, while E-mu's Drumulator and SP-12; Roland's TR-909, TR-606, TR-707, TR-727, TR-626, and R8; Oberheim's DMX; Sequential Circuits' DrumTraks; Kawai's R-100; Casio's RZ-1; Yamaha's RX5; the LinnDrum; Linn 9000; Pulsator; and Dirty-909 are all sample-based and/or physical modelling hybrids.