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Feb 10 - 02:56 PM, by clouvel (translated by pesji)Music Software > Digidesign
Music Software : Pro Tools 6.2.3 Available: G5, Panther Support on TDM Systems - macmusicDigidesign has announced Pro Tools 6.2.3 TDM, a long-awaited update adding compatibility with the G5, G4 and PowerBook G4 under Mac OS X 10.3.2 (Panther) with Pro Tools|HD and HD Accel sytems. This version greatly improves the handling of FirWwire drives, the performance of AVoption|XL, and finally supports the QuickSilver Mac G4 733mHz and above.

Free for registered users; an LE version of PT 6.2.3 is scheduled for a February 17th release.
Feb 7 - 08:00 PM, by tulavu (translated by peterkirn)440network > MacMusic
440network : MM membership renewal: price drops! - macmusicWhere we've been: Last year at this time, we had to change our server to handle the ever-growing traffic at MacMusic. We've asked our visitors to help support the cost of the new server. To repect the .org community concept that has always been central to this site, we introduced the ActiveMember accounts for supporters either paying an annual fee OR contributing to the site's content (adding news, software articles, etc.) Regular visitors are still able to access the site for free: by becoming an ActiveMember, we disable periodic membership reminders and you ensure that is able to continue to operate. (And you can be an ActiveMember for free just by contributing!)

Not only has this allowed us to survive, but it has enforced our leadership among Mac Music sites, bringing us more content (provided by you), more traffic, and with more traffic additional advertising revenue -- revenue we can now pass on to you.

Where we're going: Continued financing from members remains essential to the ongoing growth of this site as a resource to its readers. With increase growth, of course, comes increased demands on resources. We needed a second server to support the additional bandwidth created by improved readership and expanded contributions in all the sections (both very good things, of course!).

The good news is, thanks to growing advertising revenues you've helped generated, we are able to lower the annual membership fee from $60 to $42 ($70 for companies). Check out the updated order form. That's just 11 cents a day for daily MacMusic content.
Feb 6 - 10:25 AM, by diego Computer Hardware > Sonic Core
Computer Hardware : Creamware plays its new track in B Flat - macmusicAfter the creation of the new entity Creamware Audio GmbH, Frank "Franckie" Hund, founder and CEO, let out a few words that are puttings product powerusers a bit on the downside. A short list of the questions and answers on PlanetZ, a specialised into Creamware independant forum:
Feb 6 - 06:51 AM, by pascoual (translated by Edward)Music Software > Propellerhead
Music Software : ReCycle 2.1 Released (OS X) - macmusicThis fabulous looping software is online since Feb. 5th, free for registered users of the 2.0 CD and for sale for owners of earlier versions or 2.0 users without CD (US$17-76). This software is also part of the bundle you get with Reason adapted (a light version of reason). Register and download Reload for free for compatibility between Akai samples and both Reason and ReCycle. The new release adds Mac OS X compatibility and 24-bit audio file support.

Editor's Comment: Enjoyed those REX loops in Reason and want to make your own, for use in Reason, Logic, Digital Performer, and others? ReCycle is the way to do it. Load audio, chop it up in ReCycle, and play with the REX files. REX is a more flexible format with features Apple Loops doesn't have (and no reason you can't use both!). ...
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