Apple has just decided to make a tremendous effort for the Jaguar upgrade : adding to the happy buyers of computers after the 07/17, the buyers of the boxes of MacOS 10.1 after the same date can upgrade for 19,95$ (let me see, certainly 40 € for the Official Apple Exchange Rate ;).
For the happy users of OS X server, they can upgrade for 19,95 $ too. (let me see, certainly 40 € for the Official Apple Exchange Rate too ;).
So, Apple is scratching the chin of the Jaguar of so-called "pro" users", hey, you should know, the guys using the client aren't real pro, you know ! (go all return to play on your LCs ;) So, the previous buyers of OS X are accounted for nothing, and are born to pay (rant rant rant).
For your record, the bill will still be of 166,24 € (I love the Official Apple E ...