More than a few Mac Musicians were getting all het up and worried. Had Digidesign let them drop? Was the lure of the PC market blinding the creators of PT systems? Even the Mbox will soon be shipped with PTLE 5.3.3 for Windows XP.
There, there! Don't fret! All PT clients on Mac systems can now, or will soon be able to switch to OSX. How silly to think that Digidesign would forget that their old faithful clients still had money to spend. Of course, PT Free users are not clients yet, and so are not mentioned – yet!
For the biggies this concerns Pro Tools 6.0 for Digidesign-approved Pro Tools TDM systems: Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools|24 MIX, and Pro Tools|24.
It also concerns the non-negligible market of LE system users: only support for Digi 001 and ToolBox now, but support for Mbox and ...