The MassivePack Special offer is prolonged until august 15th. It's a special Bundle with the Line 6 Echo Farm included.
MassivePack 2.0 : 1195 € (saved 4200 € ). This bundle MassivePack 2.0 includes Oxford EQ by Sony, H949 Harmonizer by Eventide, MC2000 by McDSP, FilterBank by McDSP, MDW High-Res Parametric EQ by Massenburg Design Works, Echo Farm by Line 6, SoundBlender by Wave Mechanics, Speed by Wave Mechanics, Aural Exciter by Aphex, Big Bottom Pro by Aphex et Drawmer Dynamics by Drawmer.
MassivePack Pro 2.0 : 2995 € (saved 6400 € ). And with your MassivePack Pro 2.0, customers receive an HD Process card with all the plug-in included in MassivePack 2.0 .
This special offers is designed to pro Tool HD user, new purchaser and people which decide to upgrade with Pro Tools HD.