Well, the good news is, Digidesign is starting, slowly, to certify Power Mac G5 systems -- the bad news being, the process is slow and Panther compatibility seems far behind, as clouvel has observed. Clouvel is obviously upset and with reason, but I do want to add a few points:
The 001 is incompatible with the Power Mac G5 because of physical incompatibilities with the G5's 3.3 volt-signaling restriction, which does not allow the 001's 5 volt signaling. (See the website below). But the news here is actually even worse: d24 and farm cards from Pro Tools|24 systems are incompatible, as are Pro Tools|24 MIX I/O (not to be confused with MIX Core or MIX Farm). Audiomedia III and SCSI|64 Kit cards are also incompatible, although that's not likely to cause any shed tears.
Meanwhile, Digides ...