Whoa: 16-in, 12-out, 24-bit 96KHz audio plus MIDI over FireWire for PC and Mac, US$599? At least on paper, Hercules' new interface, due to ship in December, is impressive to say the least. The new interface also features 2 mic/instrument pre-amps, no latency monitoring, and OS X drivers, plus bundled copies of special editions of Storm and Live. If the hardware name is familiar, Hercules is best known as the major "high-resolution" graphics board for the PC in 1982 -- anyone remember selecting Hercules drivers on your IBM XT? This is the company's first entry into the Mac audio market; it'll be interesting to see what the reception is to the new interface. At that price, people are likely to at least look -- and from the screenshot, the interface looks quite portable, too!