Taking advantage of the latest FireWire technology, the new IF-FW/DM adds 24 inputs and 24 outputs from a computer DAW to TASCAM's DM-24 Digital Mixer. For under $3,500*, a studio can add the DM-24 and IF-FW/DM to their DAW system, providing powerful mixing, automation and processing capabilities to virtually any computer recording system through a single FireWire connection.
he IF-FW/DM is an expansion card that follows the same design as the ADAT, AES/EBU, TDIF and analog expansion cards for the DM-24. Other features include:
* 24-channel input and 24-channel output when used with the DM-24
* 16-channel input and output when used at 88.1kHz or 96kHz sample rates with the DM-24
* Adds 8 inputs and 8 outputs when used with the TASCAM SX-1 or SX-1LE, up to two cards can be installed