Ableton has posted the beta version of its live sequencing audio software Live v5. This beta version is only available for registered owners of Live. Ableton also set up a dedicated beta forum for all beta testers. Live 5 includes advanced and creative DAW features to satisfy any audio professional. Live 5 will feature :
- Clip Freeze serves two purposes: freeing up CPU power and easing the transfer of projects between computers. Unique to Live 5, "frozen" clips retain their real-time launch capabilities, allowing for improvisation, performance or song arrangement. A project with frozen tracks can also be transferred from your main computer and run easily on one with less-than-optimal CPU specs.
- Plug-In Delay Compensation automatically delays tracks to compensate for latencies caused by effects and plug-ins, including those on the return tracks. In addition, both audio and MIDI tracks have a manual delay setting to compensate for human, acoustic, hardware and other real-world delays.