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Books and documentation .

Sep 24, 2004 - by Miss Kiki
In this section you will discover books and documentation proposed and rated by the MacMusic members. We open it with Mike Stavrou's "Mixing with your mind". Feel free to add books and comments.

Mixing methods

    Mixing with your mind
    Author : Michael Paul Stavrou.
    Editor : Michael Paul Stavrou.
    Gender : Mixing techniques revealed.
    Language : English.
    Pages : 299.
    Comments : Well, you know on MacMusic we not only comment books but we read them ! It's the truth ! Mixing with your mind is an encounter with tips and techniques comming from Michael Stavrous engineering experiences. And this man has done a lot. The purpose of this book is not to teach the basics, but to make you award of how your ears and your magnificent right brain can make a huge difference in dealing with sound recording and mixing. Let the tech specs on the side and try to do like Michael does, you shall be a winner. You will discover what a speaker "flame" is, how to avoid ribbon effects between 2 speakers, how to go on advanced microphone techniques (the drum and piano section is really usefull), get the best of lead vocals, find the secret combination of compressors, and finally get immerged in the best part revealed : the Mix process. Did you ever know that mixing is a real kind of meditation state ? Learn how to communicate with the gohsts beetween the speakers. A very intersting book, easy to read and usefull for all kind of composers especially the electronic ones who often suffers from lack of techniques concerning the mix.
    Rate : ***
    Recommanded by : Miss Kiki
    Available on the net on : mixingwithyourmind

    Mastering Audio - The art and science.
    Author : Bob Katz.
    Editor : Focal Press.
    Pages : 317 pages.
    Comments : This book has become a reference. Absolutely necessary if you want to to increase your mastery of digital and analog audio. Bob Katz fix the real rules of this art and breaks numerous myths and mistakes wich are too often done in studios.
    Rate : ***
    Recommanded by : Miss kiki
    Available on the net on : :

    Electronic Music/Theories
      The Computer Music Tutorial.
      Language : English.
      Author: Curtis Roads.
      Publisher : MIT Press Cambridge.
      Pages : 904 pages.
      Comments : This is THE reference in computer music, written by Curtis Roads, a pioneer in computer aided music and electroacoustic music. Curtis Roads was the editor of the most famous Computer Music Journal for a long time. This book is also the synthesis of an entire life devoted to computer music, at M.I.T, in Harvard or also at IRCAM. Chapter by chapter, and over 900 pages, Curtis Roads goes through the following into details : digital sound, MIDI, psychoacoustics, synthesizers architecture, real time and audio editing softwares. This tutorial is really well-illustrated and can be used as a reference for both the beginner and the experienced musician.
      Opinion : Very good reference indeed, I don't use it every day, but I know I can rely upon it whenever I need it.
      Rate : *** Recommanded by :clouvel.
      Available on the net : at MIT press or at

      Beat It !
      Author : Joe Ortiz, Paul Ortiz.
      Editor : PC Publishing
      Pages : 110
      Comments : A fast overview of rhythmic patterns by style with some variations, from Rumba to Eurodance, Phil Spector to Funky Drummer. Every pattern is printed in full, with velocities. Each rhythm has a little note under for the "subtleties". A floppy goes with, with the MIDIfiles so you don't have to play everything again with one finger. Rating : Fast and neat, maybe not the A to Z of Drums, certianly not, but as not everyone can be an ex-drummer. ;) Now the only thing wrong are the pattern files sored on a floppy. A CD version one day?
      Recommanded by : lepetitmartien
      Available on the net on :

      Principles of Digital Audio
      Genre: techie.
      Language: English (sorry!).
      Author: Ken Pohlmann.
      Editor:: the publisher is McGraw-Hill Professional.
      Number of pages: 736.
      Commentary: A great. no nonsense introduction to, yup, digital audio!
      Opinion: This book rocks!
      Proposed by: Omas.
      Available on the net :
      Electronic gear
        The A-Z of analogue synthesisers.
        Author : Peter Forrest.
        Editor : Susurreal.
        Pages : 2 volumes, A-M 320 pages et N-Z 384 pages.
        Comment : Maybe the most complete inventory of every tradmark, model, prototype of analogue synthesisers, in alphabetical order (hence the title). ;) Small history of the builder, the synth iself, models, description, pics, trivia (known users for example, with some commentariesï and headaches), eveluation grid and a graph of the price evolution 2nd hand (T1 last rev 1997, T2 last rev 2002). Each volume has in its middle a section with the cream of the crop in flashy colors for the "synth porn".
        Rating : If you're into these old thingies (like me): MANDATORY!
        Recommanded by : lepetitmartien
        Available on the net on : On the author's website
          Thesaurus of scales and melodic patterns.
          Author : Nicolas Slonimsky .
          Editor : Macmillan Publishing Compagny.
          Comments : The Musical grammar of tonal and modal music
          Rate : ***
          Recommanded by : multimediartstudio.
          Available on the net on :
            The new hackers dictionnary
            Author : Eric S. Raymond.
            Editor : MIT press.
            Pages : 500
            Comments : if you want to understand relly geek language, youïll need this book. Everything is inside : from buffer to overflow, larval stage and so onï order pizzas, stop shaving and jump in !
            Rate : ***
            Recommanded by : Miss kiki
            Available on the net on :

          About the author: Miss Kiki
          Reader's opinions
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