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Studio making electronic music , with pro tools 24, G4 BI 1GHz, 1 PC 2000+ , cubase ,mix A&H GS3 24/8/4 in line, Adat Bridge 24 bits , N/A A/N 8in/8out analog/adat Alesis Ai3, fx lexicon ,comp DBX 376, sampler EMU ESI 4000 Turbo zip 10 out, microphones for drums , voice ,with a drum , bassSWR 300 & gt JC 120 amplifier. recording , mixes , mastering,press cd/dvd . Based in NICE (france)
Category: PROLabels
Zip: 06300
City: Nice
Country: France
Birthday: Mar 16, 1973 (52 years)

Member since: May 25, 2002
Member N°: 4809
Total Posts: 0
Posts per day: 0
Local time: 02:34 PM

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