Sell Memory cards Alesis

Saturday September 12, 2015. 08:11 AM
i sell my rare alesis cards in mint condition, worldwide shipping! pop/rock - 90$ euro dance (new in factory box) - 100$ hip-hop (new in factory box) - 100$ classical (new in factory box) -100$ flash 8mb - 120$ (+ unique cd bundle with all q-cards images, extra banks, software, demos etc..) sram 512kb - 125$ (preloaded by 8 expando banks + cd) sram 512kb (new in factory box) - 120$ works in all alesis qs/quadrasynth series, also in dg8 or dm pro. i can preload flash card by any of 13 q-cards image data before selling, also preload sram card by extra banks for qs6 synth, s4 family. shipping international $7-10, paypal accepted. ask me for actual pix and other questions. e-mail: or visit my ebay auctions id rusynth
$ 100
173016 Novgorod - Russian Federation
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