Sell Soviet synths Cccp

Sunday March 4, 2012. 08:07 AM
i have for sale soviet-made vintage analog instruments: *polivoks - $1250 legendary dual-osc's synthesizer in case (2 units available) *junost'-2m - $200 poly keyboard portable design *topaz-1 - $650 rare analog electronic bayan (button accordeon) *echo - $400 vintage tape delay (i have another unit for $150 that need repair) *oktava md44 - $100 vintage dynamic microphone 1965 rare! *factory hard cases (2) for aelita, tom-1501, alisa 1377/87 - $100 each *marsh - $100 bass pedal for electronic drum pad === all devices in good working conditions, voltage 220v/50hz, connections on 5-din plugs but adapters to 1/4 jack included, shipping worldwide from russia, ask me for any questions and actual pix via email:
$ 100
173016 Novgorod - Russian Federation
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