Sell Studio 8/16 with No Noise Sonic Solutions

Sunday March 14, 2004. 10:20 PM
hardware: 1 usp 8/16 nubus - rev. b15 sonic studio card; 1 digital i/o 4 channels digital interface (aes/ebu, spdif optical / coaxial) with terminator and scsi cable 50-68 pin; 1 remote machine control cable with 4 serial rs 422 9 pin connectors and 4 time code xlr; 1 scsi cable 68pin-50 centronics; software sonic studio 5.2.1 with the following options: editing; basic automation; full automation; full filter; full filter range; manual declicking; automatic declicking; broad-band denoising; dekrackling; complex filtering; sample rate converter ; 44.1-48 khz sample rate converter; sample rate adjust; extended pq sub code editing; loop generator; time twist; machine control; turbo dither; sbm; exabyte dpp; optional macintosh power pc 8100/110 4gb/120/cd, euro 500,00.
€ 1900
20159 Milano - Italy
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